Event Smart https://eventsmart.com Free Online Event Registration Ticketing Websites. Sell PAID Tickets Online for Free, no Ticket Fees. Mon, 13 Mar 2023 21:45:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.3 https://d12m9erqbesehq.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/16195431/cropped-event_smart_icon_512-32x32.png Event Smart https://eventsmart.com 32 32 Events Calendar https://eventsmart.com/features/events-calendar/ https://eventsmart.com/features/events-calendar/#respond Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:16:23 +0000 http://eventsmart.com/features/events-calendar/ Show your events on an events calendar for your attendees.

The post <i class="dashicons dashicons-calendar"></i>Events Calendar appeared first on Event Smart.

Build an event registration website using Event Smart so you can receive online event registrations for events likes classes, conferences, courses, workshops, seminars, and more. Use the Events Calendar feature upgrade to automatically show your events on a calendar as they are created in Event Smart. Your attendees can then browse to dates that fit their schedule and click on an event to learn more and start their event registrations.

Here are a few ways that our event organizers use the Events Calendar for their events:

– Show a category of events (e.g., topic A, topic B, or topic C)
– Show events with featured images for an upcoming month (e.g., your organization hosts a festival or celebration with many activities)
– Show events for a specific event location (i.e., a venue)

The Events Calendar adjusts its display across different devices

Why the Events Calendar?

Events are a powerful way to invest and therefore grow your organization, and a solution like Event Smart can make that a reality for you.

For a nonprofit organization or a charity, an annual fundraiser like a banquet or a gala can be the difference between having enough funds to support the group’s mission for the next year.

And for a business, an events solution that gets the job done is just as important.

Event Smart and the Events Calendar are the tools in your toolbox for organizing and hosting events.

How do you plan to invest in your business or organization’s events?

Your answer could take you on a path to an event’s solution that works for you around the clock, or you can try piecing together various products and hope that it works.

Our event organizers choose the Events Calendar so they can show their events on an calendar with beautiful featured images so their attendees can browse by date and begin their event registrations.

A tooltip with information is shown when you hover over an event

How do I get started with the Events Calendar for my online event registrations?

Are you already using Event Smart for your online event registrations? You can purchase the Events Calendar feature upgrade for Event Smart on this page while logged into your account on EventSmart.com. You’ll then see Events Calendar through your Event Smart dashboardCalendar.

Want to use Event Smart and Events Calendar for your online event registrations?

Here are the steps to move forward with Event Smart and the Events Calendar today.

1) Join other event organizers who prefer Event Smart and start your complimentary two-week trial right now

Billing information is not required to start your complimentary 2-week trial of the business plan for Event Smart.


2) Afterward, you’ll be logged into your new website on EventSmart.com and, a welcome email will be sent to your email address

3) Follow the quick start guide for Event Smart to get up and running quickly with your events through Event Smart and the Events Calendar

Frequently asked questions about the Events Calendar feature upgrade

How are my events shown on the Events Calendar and does it include images?
The Events Calendar feature upgrade uses the following shortcode on a page of your choice in your Event Smart dashboard: [ESPRESSO_CALENDAR]
Once it has been added, then events will automatically be shown on the calendar, and if you’ve added a featured image to an event, then it will also be displayed.

What kind of filtering options are available with the Events Calendar?
The Events Calendar feature upgrade supports filtering by event categories and event locations (i.e., a venue). The filtering can be used to show events by a specific topic or show events that are available at a particular place.

Does the Events Calendar work across various devices like mobile phones and computers?
Yes, the Events Calendar is responsive and adjusts automatically based on the device that is being used. For example, on a computer or a tablet, a full calendar will be shown. On mobile devices with limited screen space, less information will be displayed.

What if I get stuck or need some help?
We understand that as a busy professional, you need an events solution that allows you to focus on your events. To help you get up and running quickly, we’ve created a getting started guide for Event Smart that takes you from setting a timezone on your website through publishing your first event. And we have a help center for Event Smart that has answers to other questions. We’ll even proactively check-in with you about getting your first event published. If you get stuck or have a problem, then you can send us an email, and we’ll help you get moving forward again.

Why not start your free 14-day trial today? You’ll get two weeks to try out the business plan for Event Smart, and no billing information is needed to get started.

The post <i class="dashicons dashicons-calendar"></i>Events Calendar appeared first on Event Smart.

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Custom CSS https://eventsmart.com/features/custom-css/ https://eventsmart.com/features/custom-css/#respond Fri, 20 Mar 2015 17:34:47 +0000 http://eventsmart.com/?post_type=ee_saas_feature&p=35100 This upgrade is great for customization, or quick CSS tweaks to your Event Smart website.

The post <i class="dashicons dashicons-admin-customizer"></i>Custom CSS appeared first on Event Smart.

An easy-to-use upgrade that allows you to add custom CSS styles that will override your selected theme styles. This upgrade is designed to meet the needs of event administrators who would like to add their own custom CSS styles to their Event Smart website.

  • Customize your site styles with ease
  • Dive into CSS to make all the presentational changes you desire
  • No configuration needed
  • Simple interface built on Event Smart UI
  • Virtually no impact on site performance
  • Handy code editor/syntax highlighter
  • Generates no CSS files
You can purchase this feature in the bundle plans or as an upgrade with a free account for $5/mo.

We used Event Smart for our Annual National Conference. It was easy to use and had all the features we needed for a multiple-day event with numerous concurrent sessions. It had multiple pricing levels and promo codes were easy to apply. The dashboard was a little complex but there were plenty of tutorials and their customer service was on top of it, very prompt in responses. – Jabbar Beig

How to Use Custom CSS

Sometimes you want to customize your Event Smart theme a little bit, like changing a font color or a font style. If these theme changes are not possible in the theme by default, you can use custom CSS to overwrite or add new CSS properties to the theme styles.

How does it work?

First you should already know some basic CSS, that way customizing your theme and adding your own CSS styles is really not too difficult.

In your Event Smart admin, you will find a new menu button “Custom CSS” under Appearance. Here you can start to add your custom CSS styles.


The post <i class="dashicons dashicons-admin-customizer"></i>Custom CSS appeared first on Event Smart.

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Basic Event Themes https://eventsmart.com/features/basic-event-themes/ https://eventsmart.com/features/basic-event-themes/#respond Fri, 15 Aug 2014 20:20:18 +0000 http://eventsmart.com/features/basic-themes/ Express the individual style of your events with gorgeous basic themes.

The post <i class="dashicons dashicons-welcome-widgets-menus"></i>Basic Event Themes appeared first on Event Smart.

Themes are files that work together to create the design and functionality of an event site. Each Theme may be different, offering many choices for site owners to instantly change their website look. We offer 24 free basic themes for you to choose from, all different than the next.

Basic themes allow you to:

  • Customize the fonts in your theme with ease
  • Apply a custom color palette
  • Add a background pattern
  • Show off a custom header image
  • Add widgets (e.g. tools) like a list of upcoming events, or a small event calendar, etc. in pre-determined areas of your theme
  • Organize the navigation menus to showcase your content and events.

All themes are designed to be “mobile responsive”. The theme will adjust based on the size and orientation of the device viewing the website.

Example Themes:




Event List

Eighties Theme

Event Details

Eighties - Registration Details




Event List

Radcliffe - Event List

Event Details

Radcliffe - Event Details

The post <i class="dashicons dashicons-welcome-widgets-menus"></i>Basic Event Themes appeared first on Event Smart.

https://eventsmart.com/features/basic-event-themes/feed/ 0
Events Table View Template https://eventsmart.com/features/event-list-table-template/ https://eventsmart.com/features/event-list-table-template/#respond Fri, 15 Aug 2014 20:18:03 +0000 http://eventsmart.com/features/event-list-table-template/ Present your events on a table so your attendees can browse your events and start an event registration.

The post <i class="dashicons dashicons-list-view"></i>Events Table View Template appeared first on Event Smart.

Through Event Smart you can get online event registrations for events such as conferences, classes, workshops, nonprofit events, and more. Add the Events Table View Template, and your events will appear as they are created in Event Smart. Your attendees can browse your events and click on one to see more information so they can start their event registration.

Here are some ways that our event organizers use the Events Table View Template feature upgrade for their events:

– Display a category of events (e.g., topic A, topic B, or topic C)
– Show events for a specific month
– Present all events and allow an attendee to search based on the event name or venue (location of event)

An attendee can also use the toggle options to sort by the name of an event, venue, or even the date.

Here is an example of the Events Table View Template

Why Events Table View Template?

As a busy professional, you are being pulled in so many different directions. From meetings to phone calls, to an endless number of emails. And now you’ve taken the lead to search for an events solution for your upcoming events.

At a high level you have a couple of questions:

1) Will this solution work for my events?
2) How long will it take to get up and running?

…but you may be asking yourself another critical question: “Do I need to be an expert with technology?”

You don’t need to be a computer expert at all.

Event Smart and the Events Table View Template are your solutions to your event registration and ticketing needs.

As a professional with limited time, you want a solution that you know will work for your events without you needing to invest a ton of time.

If you’ve ever used WordPress to create a page or blog post, then you’ll find Event Smart familiar.

Plus, we have a getting started guide to help you move forward fast, and our team has your back so we’ll be there to help you carry on by sharing feedback on your questions.

Our event organizers pick up the Events Table View Template so they can show their events in a table layout.

Here is an alternative view for the Events Table View Template

How do I get started with Events Table View Template for my online event registrations?

Are you already using Event Smart for your online event registrations? You can purchase the Events Table View Template feature upgrade for Event Smart on this page while logged into your account on EventSmart.com. You can then create a new page through your Event Smart dashboard and add the following shortcode [ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE] and then publish the page.

Want to use Event Smart and Events Table View Template for your online event registrations?

Here are the steps to move forward with Event Smart and the Events Table View Template today.

1) Join other event organizers who prefer Event Smart and start your complimentary two-week trial right now

Billing information is not required to start your complimentary 2-week trial of the business plan for Event Smart.


2) Afterward, you’ll be logged into your new website on EventSmart.com and, a welcome email will be sent to your email address

3) Follow the quick start guide for Event Smart to get up and running quickly with your events through Event Smart and Events Table View Template

Frequently asked questions about the Events Table View Template feature upgrade

How are events added to the Events Table View Template?
The Events Table View Template feature upgrade uses the following shortcode on a page in your Event Smart dashboard: [ESPRESSO_EVENTS_TABLE_TEMPLATE]
Once it has been added, then events will automatically be shown in a table layout.

What kind of sorting options are available
The Events Table View Template feature upgrade supports sorting by event name, venue, and date.

Can the template that is used be customized?
There are several options for customizing the information shown through extra parameters in the shortcode. For example, you can hide the category filter, remove the venue column, and change the default link text by adding parameters.

What if I get stuck or need some help?
We understand that as a busy professional, you need an events solution that allows you to focus on your events. To help you get up and running quickly, we’ve created a getting started guide for Event Smart that takes you from setting a timezone on your website through publishing your first event. And we have a help center for Event Smart that has answers to other questions. We’ll even proactively check-in with you about getting your first event published. If you get stuck or have a problem, then you can send us an email, and we’ll help you get moving forward again.

Why not start your free 14-day trial today? You’ll get two weeks to try out the business plan for Event Smart, and no billing information is needed to get started.

The post <i class="dashicons dashicons-list-view"></i>Events Table View Template appeared first on Event Smart.

https://eventsmart.com/features/event-list-table-template/feed/ 0
Events Grid View Template https://eventsmart.com/features/event-list-grid-template/ https://eventsmart.com/features/event-list-grid-template/#respond Fri, 15 Aug 2014 20:17:28 +0000 http://eventsmart.com/features/event-list-grid-template/ Show your events in a grid format so your attendees can browse, and start their registrations.

The post <i class="dashicons dashicons-forms"></i>Events Grid View Template appeared first on Event Smart.

Create an event registration and ticketing website with Event Smart so you can take event registrations for events like conferences, classes, workshops, nonprofit events, and more. With the Events Grid View Template, your events will automatically be shown as they are created in Event Smart. An attendee can browse the events by hovering over them to get more details and then click on one to be taken to the event page so they can start their registration.

Here are some ways that our event organizers use the Events Grid View Template feature upgrade for their events:

– Present a category of events (e.g., topic A, topic B, or topic C)
– Show events for a specific month
– Display featured events that your attendees would like

An example of the Events Grid View Template

Why Events Grid View Template?

What would it mean for you to have an events solution that worked for you around the clock?

Imagine no longer having to spend hours and hours dealing with paper registrations, hounding people for paper checks, or piecing together a bunch of different products to handle your event registrations. Think about the time that you would save knowing that your event registrations were being taken care of right from your Event Smart website.

What would you do with that found time?

Wouldn’t it feel great to know that with your next event, your website could collect attendee registrations and securely process payments for you?

And before your event, you could create an attendee list in just a few clicks from your Event Smart dashboard, so you are ready to go for your event.

Choose Event Smart and the Events Grid View Template right now and move forward with your events today.

Our event organizers choose the Events Grid View Template so they can showcase their events in a grid of event images.

How do I get started with Events Grid View Template for my online event registrations?

Are you already using Event Smart for your online event registrations? You can purchase the Events Grid View Template feature upgrade for Event Smart on this page while logged into your account on EventSmart.com. You can then create a new page through your Event Smart dashboard and add the following shortcode [ESPRESSO_GRID_TEMPLATE] and then publish the page.

An example of the Events Grid View Template for a film festival

Want to use Event Smart and Events Grid View Template for your online event registrations?

Here are the steps to move forward with Event Smart and the Events Grid View Template right now.

1) Join other event organizers who prefer Event Smart and start your complimentary two-week trial today

Billing information is not required to start your complimentary 2-week trial of the business plan for Event Smart.


2) Afterward, you’ll be logged into your new website on EventSmart.com and, a welcome email will be sent to your email address

3) Follow the quick start guide for Event Smart to get up and running quickly with your events through Event Smart and Events Grid View Template

Frequently asked questions about the Events Grid View Template feature upgrade

How are events added to the Events Grid View Template and how about event images?
The Events Grid View Template feature upgrade uses the following shortcode on a page of your choice in your Event Smart dashboard: [ESPRESSO_GRID_TEMPLATE]
Once it has been added, then events will automatically be shown in a grid layout and if you’ve added a featured image to an event, then it will also be shown.

What are some of the customization options that are available?
The Events Grid View Template feature upgrade supports adding parameters which change the functionality. These parameters can help you do things like change the default image shown when an event doesn’t have a picture, show events from a specific event category and adjust the order that events appear in.

What if I get stuck or need some help?
We understand that as a busy professional, you need an events solution that allows you to focus on your events. To help you get up and running quickly, we’ve created a getting started guide for Event Smart that takes you from setting a timezone on your website through publishing your first event. And we have a help center for Event Smart that has answers to other questions. We’ll even proactively check-in with you about getting your first event published. If you get stuck or have a problem, then you can send us an email, and we’ll help you get moving forward again.

Why not start your free 14-day trial today? You’ll get two weeks to try out the business plan for Event Smart, and no billing information is needed to get started.

The post <i class="dashicons dashicons-forms"></i>Events Grid View Template appeared first on Event Smart.

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